Friday, August 3, 2007

4G supports Open Wireless Architecture (OWA) which is a big movement from 3G technology

Shanghai, 30 October 2006 — Over 100 top experts and executives agreed at GMC'05 Beijing that, 3G did not fundamentally improve the 2G architecture, and therefore it becomes the transitional solution only. Lessons from ISDN (Integrated Service Digital Networks) twenty years ago, China is very careful in deploying the 3G networks and looking for new technology in driving the beyond 3G mobile communication industry.

Besides China Moon mission, one of the most important special programs is to construct an open-architecture based broadband wireless (including mobile) communication system to meet the nation’s future ICT infrastructure development. Same as open computer architecture in the computer industry and open network architecture in the Internet era, the wireless industry is rapidly transitioning from proprietary and closed architecture to more flexible, extensible, cost effective Open Wireless Architecture (OWA) systems. This transition is creating interesting challenges for developers, manufacturers, integrators, operators and end-users as they wrestle with complexities of open wireless systems.

As stated in the OECD (Organization of Economy, Cooperation and Development) report, “As too many wireless systems come out every day, the current closed architecture and proprietary systems do not bode well for its success”, therefore open wireless architecture platform will definitely drive the future wireless and mobile communications.
Fourth Generation (4G) mobile communication will basically focus on the Open Wireless Architecture (OWA), and Cost-effective and Spectrum-efficient High-speed wireless mobile transmission. The 3G system suffers tremendously worldwide because it did not fundamentally improve the wireless architecture, and making the architecture open is the final solution in the wireless industry.

"Based on the China specific situation, history, culture and development unbalance, 3G will not be successful as expected which I pointed out early at WWC'2000 in San Francisco", said Prof. Willie W. Lu, an independent special advisor for several China 4G administrations and chairman of Fourth Generation Mobile Forum® (4GMF®), "OWA is the only solution to move China forward to the next level of success in this industry so that the future mobile phone, like the computer, can be DIY (Do-It-Yourself) - a 100% consumer product".

China is on the way to evolve from a "Made-in-China" country to a "Developed-in-China" country by year 2020, and 2007 is a global year of 4G initialization because ITU WRC'2007 will launch the 4G program as well as spectrum allocation of the industry. As per China long-term development plan in ICT (Information and Communication Technology), the China initial 4G networks will be deployed in early 2012, and the 4G industrial standards will dominate in this emerging market.
The mission and objective of 4GMF® is to define the 4G mobile standards and boost the 4G innovations in China as well as the region. With global operation centers in San Francisco, Shanghai and Geneva, 4GMF® is technically backed up by World Wireless Congress®, Global Mobile Congress® and World Mobile Congress® across the global. Around 50 Fortune 500 companies and around 20 countries are working with 4GMF® to reshape the mobile communication future.

4GMF® will present its China 4G standardization strategy at the upcoming ITU Telecom World 2006 in Hong Kong within Session: DE-G The Promise of advanced wireless services.
The 4G-OWA technical white paper is published in ITU at ITU World 2006.

For details of 4GMF®, please visit: or

For more information, please contact:

Bill Lee
Media relations and public information
Fourth Generation Mobile Forum® (4GMF®)
Tel: +001 650 288-4306

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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